Connect Hard Drive To Tv Watch Movies From Hard Drive On TV And Get Rid Of PC At The Same Time?

Watch movies from hard drive on TV and get rid of PC at the same time? - connect hard drive to tv

I need a solution. At the moment I have a 1 TB hard drive that stores all my movies. I see on my TV from my PC via VGA. Is there a solution (a piece of equipment) is that I can be on my computer to remove from the equation? You do not know whether it is possible for a material that can direct to my hard drive, then plugged into my TV I turn it to navigate the folders to watch movies. Any help is welcome.


AMADEUSM... said...

His answer is in your graphics card. You can get video cards with TV out directly to. Then add a wireless mouse or trackball (or a keyboard if you want). Basically its just to your TV screen. You can get to Walmart and a switch that you use your TV will have several entries. In general, range from $ 15 to $ 50 depending on number of tickets you want.

The important thing is what kind of TV you have. WALMART sells both coax switches, HDMI switches, and some are both.

16k-zx81 said...

Yes. something ...

Hawaii said...

I want to consult a local Radio Shack or call the manufacturer of the computer or TV and ask, can be difficult when you try to get their own, as this could damage the hard drive

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