Old Mercs Outboards Which Are The More Reliable 1990's Cars- The Old Cadillacs Or Mercedes?

Which are the more reliable 1990's cars- the old cadillacs or mercedes? - old mercs outboards

Los Fabulosos Cadillacs are 90 seats and space for startup. Mercenaries are also large units. What would be a better buy, first for the long-term use?


R1volta said...

Stay away from CADS. They have many problems, motor and electronics.
MB is the smallest is a good tip.

R1volta said...

Stay away from CADS. They have many problems, motor and electronics.
MB is the smallest is a good tip.

abz said...

Whether you like it or rough use. U should the Uruguay Round of payment and price the cost of repairs, if necessary in the future. Cadillac guess or find cheaper, but it is keeping money in mind.

LifeRyde... said...

Mercedes are better, but both ........... .............. are a bear to find a reasonable mechanic if you are in case of need. Parts are available. or rather not talk at all, too expensive.

tchem75 said...

I went with the Mercedes .. The foreign cars in general seem reliable and durable.

tony_1_l... said...

Now, a Cadillac would be better. They tend to have the parts and labor cheaper than Benz. Although the Benz could have a longer life. So, if a car is 1990 I would probably go with the Cadillac, because cheaper parts and service

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